
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Autumn Decorating, Letters from Home, and Vintage Postcards

Today the Harvest Moon is full. Be sure to step outside your door and enjoy the beautiful sight of it rising over the next couple of days. It will rise tonight at 6:47 pm Central Time here, and, at 7:18 tomorrow night - so figure about half an hour later each night. You can find the moonrise times for your location from the link at the Farmer's Almanac, or from the links at Calculator Cat's Moon Phase site, pictured in my sidebar.

I had saved my corn stalks in hope of using them for harvest decorating in the yard. Alas, they did not hold up well enough to look good, so I made do with my little cane poles from the climbing beans.

Last year, I bought what I thought were bales of straw to decorate with, thinking to use them later as mulch. Turned out they were baled oats... so I had to pull "wild oats" out of the saint augustine grass all summer AND had to find someone to give the bales to. Our friend who goes to church with us and drives the garbage truck took them to his goats!

The crow scarecrow is so fun, and Mama gave me the "real" looking crow. A coworker gave me pumpkins he had raised, and some of those fruits are my own acorn squash. I grew acorn and spaghetti squash this year and dutifully cured them then stored in mesh bags in a dark closet. The acorn squash turned orange and dried out! Guess next year we'll eat them as they ripen.

The spaghetti squash still feel heavy, I plan to cook one this week and we will see if they kept well. But the dried acorn squash make for nice decorations in Thelma's wooden bowl.

This postcard came from Mama today. Isn't it great? She is the World's Best Letter Writer, and has taken to sending me vintage postcards. I save all of her letters in a file box and if she never writes her memoirs, the great great grands-yet-to-come in the far off future will have all these marvelous letters through which to get to know Amos, if they are not fortunate enough to know her in person.

It is such a fun idea, too, to send vintage postcards. They don't require much time to jot a few lines and cost only 28 cents to mail. Use a vintage (but previously unused) stamp, or the cute polar bear one that is out now, and it's a perfect little component of vintage living that we can add to our routine. And oh so much dearer than email: a keepsake from now on.

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