
Monday, December 28, 2009

Garden Fresh Under-the-Bed Tomatoes in Winter

Remember those green tomatoes wrapped in newspaper we put in flats under the bed before the first frost (Nov 2nd)? This is what they look like now!

They also have excellent flavor. Not quite the same as vine ripened, of course, but still much richer than store bought. These taste like real tomatoes. A few of them didn't keep, but most of the ones I have pulled out so far were perfect. We enjoyed them sliced with salt, and I made a salad of them.

I had great fun playing "Guess what's under the bed?" with visitors over the holiday. Heh. There are still many more wrapped up under the bed, so I will post again in another month or so to see how they are doing as we get farther into the winter.


  1. I 'd like to suggest using something else besides newspapers to wrap a food product. Reason? I've read many times that the newspapers can cause cancer...(yea, I know. "what doesn't") I really like your web page, hope to come back.

  2. Thank you! :-) That is a good point - some people want to be more careful. Tissue paper would work nicely too. Anything lightweight and slightly absorbant. And there are food-grade tissues available in bulk at Sam's or other stores that carry restaurant supplies. Thanks for stopping in. Have a lovely week! :-)
