
Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Slogan For The Party of No: No Means No

I originally posted this over on Ann Althouse's blog, and decided it is good as a standalone:

The perfect Republican slogan for this election year is: "No Means No".

Because the people said no to the bail outs - every one of them, from both parties - and they ignored us and did them anyway.

We said no to dissing our allies, and they did it anyway.

We said no to bailing out mortgage holders by bailing out mortgagees, and they did it anyway.

We said no to "giving us health care" and they did it anyway.

We said no to tax increases of any kind, and they did it anyway.

We said no to calling CO2 a "pollutant" since it is what trees breathe, and they did it anyway.

We said no to passing any health bill without serious strong tort reform in it and they did it anyway.

We said no to laws that don't apply to Congress and they did it anyway.

We said no to letting non-citizens come into the country without permission, and they did it anyway.

We said no to refusal to enforce the laws of the land, and they said we were "misguided".

We said no to limiting our national defense anywhere, and they did it anyway.

We said no to passing bills that none of the people we elected had read, and they did it anyway.

We said no to never-ending unemployment payments and they renewed them anyway, again and again and again.

We said no to secret lawmaking and secret deals and secret contents of bills and they did it anyway, and they are doing it again.

We are saying no right now to leaving laws in place that allow any bank or any other company to be "too big to fail" and they are about to do it anyway.

We are saying no right now to any more bail outs ever, and they are about to do it anyway.

Someone has to be the parent here, and it's not the Government.

No means no.


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