
Monday, December 20, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse TONIGHT (Early Tuesday AM 12/21/10)

There's a total eclipse tonight (Thanks Mandy for reminding me!). The eclipse is caused by the shadow of Earth moving across the face of the Man in the Moon. Instead of hiding it, the moon will turn a beautiful amber red color and cast a fiery glow. For those of us in Central Time, it will start right after Midnight at 12:32 am, reach totality between 1:40 am and 2:53 am, and wrap up at 4:01 in the morning. So there's a long time available to see it. :-)

Check out the University of Texas' (Magazine of the McDonald Observatory) for more details. Thanks to Stardate for the photo shown here!

If you are reading from elsewhere in the world, NASA has a great graphic at this link that shows the range of visibility for this eclipse.

Coincidentally, it's also the winter solstice. There's a lot of great information about the moon and stars on the Farmers Almanac website (good for gardening and weather info too).

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