
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Well-Earned Degree: Graduation and Celebration!

Our daughter-in-love Sandy earned her Bachelors degree from Dallas Baptist University this past week. She's the first in her family to graduate from college. She's not the first to fearlessly tackle new things, though - she gets her gumption from her mother!

She decided last Spring to go back to school. So, starting in May 2009, and taking intensive classes, by August she had completed 18 out of the 60 hours she still needed, while also volunteering and working a job, took a semester of Art in a week, and held an International Trade Center Internship that really made an impression on her.

When the Fall semester wrapped up in December, she was on the Deans List with 5 A's and a B, and had only 8 more classes to take for her degree. By taking them as "mini-semesters" and cramming 3 months work into 2 weeks, she finished 4 of those by Feb 1st.

This is a career change for Sandy and she's focusing on Global Business for her Masters. She's been accepted to a Masters program and her next round of classes kicks off in June.

We are so proud of her. If she engages the Masters Programs with the passion she applied to this one, I guess we could expect to attend that graduation around Halloween! ;-) Seriously though, she does intend to complete it by 2012, and then to go for her doctorate in Political ... political... shoot, need to ask her again - I've forgot what she has planned.

Congratulations are also earned by her husband Devin, her children and family, whose happy support helped her achieve this.

The ceremony was great. Texas State Representative Phil King gave the commencement address - one of the most useful such speeches I've ever heard, with practical life advice and comfortable humor.

King represents the 61st district ( Parker and Wise counties). He and his wife live in Weatherford, Tx, where he has a law practice with the firm of Eggleston Flowers & King, LLP.

He is a member of the new coalition of elected officials pledged to put "people before party": The Independent Conservatives of Texas.

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