
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Save the Date: Wedding of the Year!

It's the wedding of OUR year! And likely the last one until grandchildren come of age and take their place in the great scheme of history. They've been engaged a few months and now the date is firm, the dress is found, the count down is on!

Lucky fiance? Our last remaining bachelor son, Nicolas Arguello.

Cutest bride-to-be? His true love, Lani Kahn.

Colors? Indigo, pale chartreuse (apple) and a clean pure gray (if I've remembered the color names correctly!)

Biggest obstacle so far? Nick's biceps. Do they make sleeveless tuxedos? ;-)

We're just all in love. :-)

Aren't these images great? The photographer is Leah Muse, Austin, Texas. She did a nice assortment for the engagement pictures, and will photograph the wedding as well.


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