
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Turn Around & You're Tiny, Turn Around & You're Grown

If you like beautiful, dreamy, romantic blogs, here's one of the nicest: "my heart belongs to me". Erin is our newest daughter in love's sister.

Of the many "don't miss" posts, her wistful and loving paen to Sesame Street's film about a crayon factory is a treasure. If you never thought "How'd They Do That?" could make you teary eyed, Erin's gentle insight may stop you in your tracks.

But especially, she's blogged about Lani's bridal shower, given by her mother's friends, on Sunday. Lots of great pictures, and happy girls. :-)

It was a girly, dress-up brunch outdoors on a beautiful day overlooking the water at "The Grill at Rough Hollow" in Austin (technically nearest to Lakeway). The photo above is the three sisters: Lani, Erin and Neil.

The hostesses made gorgeous, simple arrangements using hydrangeas and limes and blueberries. Erin made yummmmmy cupcake towers. Both these ideas are definitely keepers: everyone oohed and ahhed. I know I'll be heading to the Produce Market the next time I need to create centerpieces for an event.

This is Janet, Lani's Mom. See how beautiful our new daughter in love is going to be when she is closer to my age?

Pretty as all the pictures, and we had the nicest time. Do go over and visit!

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