
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Unemployment Rates For March 2010: Mexico 4.8%, USA 10.4%

From the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)*

Unemployment rates of the 30 member countries

2009 Annual Unemployment Rates:
Mexico: 5.5 %
USA: 9.3 %

Only 6 countries (out of the 30 members) had lower unemployment than Mexico's 5.5 % for 2009: Norway (3.2%), Korea (3.7 %), Switzerland (4.2 %), Austria (4.8), Netherlands (4.9),
Japan (5.1%).

Quarterly Unemployment rates:

Q3 2009
USA: 9.6

Q4 2009
USA: 9.5

Q1 2010
USA: 10.4

Only 5 member countries achieved less unemployment than Mexico for Q4 2009 (latest quarter available for all member countries): Austria, Korea, Norway, Japan, Switzerland. Australia tied with Mexico's 5.4 %.

For March 2010:
Mexico: 4.8 %
USA: 10.2 %

For April 2010:
Mexico: 5.45 %
USA: 9.5 %

*If the link above expires or doesn't work, here's how to navigate there: > Country Statistical Profiles > Labour > Labour Statistics > Labour Force Statistics > Survey based unemployment rates and levels

May 1941 Unemployed on Main Street in childersburg Alabama, Photo by Jack Delano, Library of Congress, FSA-OWI Collection fsa 8b35795

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